
Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Has it been a Month?

Hello Everyone...and Goodbye for the summer. We just realized that we have not posted for a month! Amazing things are happening in our Library and we can't wait to unveil them for September. Our layout is changing thanks to the support from our community through our pizza lunch fundraisers. Our Library is getting a special delivery today; a new book shelf!

This however does not mean that we have not been reading great books! We focused on Perseverance in the Library (no coincidence this is discussed in June!). We highlighted the importance of working our best, not allowing ourselves to get distracted, and finishing the race. Our Book List for June was (excerpts from for summaries):

The Very Busy Spider - Eric Carle

Eric Carle''s The Very Busy Spider has been a favorite way for parents to teach young children about determination and persistence for more than 25 years. Now this classic story-with its delightful farm animals and the spider''s tactile, raised web-comes to a new, oversized board book format, perfect for storytime or for playtime. The extra-large pages will invite children and parents alike to cuddle up with this enduring, diligent spider.

How to Catch a Star - Oliver Jeffers

An inspirational story of a boy who loved the stars so much, he decided to get one for himself. The beautifully illustrated, original debut picture book from shining talent, Oliver Jeffers.
There once was a boy who loved stars so much that he wished he had one of his very own. Every night he watched the stars in the sky from his bedroom window and dreamed of how he could be their friend and how they could play hide-and-go-seek together. So, one day, he decided to set about catching a star for himself .

Horton Hatches an Egg - Dr. Seuss

Meet Horton the elephant, one of the most commendable heroes in children's books.
"I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. . . .
An elephant's faithful, one hundred per cent!"
Horton is kind and trustworthy, but unfortunately, the lazy bird Mayzie takes advantage of his good nature when she leaves Horton to watch her unhatched egg. Told with Dr. Seuss's signature rhymes and trademark illustrations, this is a tale that will be enjoyed over and over, by reader and listener alike. And don't miss another delightful tale about this beloved pachyderm: Horton Hears a Who!

Have a fabulous summer, and enjoy the break!
Keep Reading!

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Putting it all Together

Well, here we are again apologizing for a delay in posting, but boy are amazing things happening in our Library (you will find out about those things soon!).

The theme for this post is Integrity. Integrity is a character trait that really ties in everything that we have learned so far this year. Integrity mirrors honesty and respect, but has one element that the others don't.

Integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is looking.
Integrity means doing what is right even if no one is around to catch us doing something wrong.

It was really difficult trying to select books that demonstrated that one extra element of integrity, but we did it.
The following is the list of books with excerpts from that follow:

Hey, Little Ant by Phillip M. Hoose, Hannah Hoose:

What would you do if the ant you were about to step on looked up and started talking? Would you stop and listen? What if your friends saw you hesitate? That’s what happens in this funny, thought-provoking book. Originally a song by a father-daughter team, this conversation between two creatures, large and small, is bound to inspire important discussions. It might even answer that classic childhood question: To squish or not to squish?

Lilly's Big Day by Kevin Henkes:

Mr. Slinger has big news.
He's getting married.

Lilly has big plans.
She's going to be the flower girl.
(Lilly has always wanted to be a flower girl.
Even more than a surgeon or a diva or a hairdresser.)

But what's the biggest,
the best,
the most perfect thing of all?
You're invited to the wedding -- so start reading!

Leonardo the Terrible Monster by Mo Willems:

Leonardo is truly a terrible monster-terrible at being a monster that is. No matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to frighten anyone. Determined to succeed, Leonardo sets himself to training and research. Finally, he finds a nervous little boy, and scares the tuna salad out of him! But scaring people isn't quite as satisfying as he thought it would be. Leonardo realizes that he might be a terrible, awful monster-but he could be a really good friend.

Below is a resource that parents can use to continue the discussion on integrity at home.

Keep Reading!

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Co in Operation

Hello Beatty Members!

As we have been mentioning in our posts the Library is undergoing some physical changes, the books are being reorganized, shelves and furniture are moving around and it is all being done with some friendly cooperation! We cannot wait to reveal the changes on our blog soon. Our Biblio-techies, parent volunteers, and custodial staff have all been working hard to get our space updated to meet the needs and demands of our students. We couldn't have done any of this without our wonderful team!

April is the month where the TDSB focuses on the character trait of cooperation, and we have been reading some great books! Our first book on our reading list is from a favourite author Oliver Jeffers. "The Way Back Home" was the first story we read and it was a great opportunity to realize that even though we can do things on our own, often times working with others to accomplish a goal can be more effective and rewarding. Here is an excerpt from

When a boy discovers a single-propeller airplane in his closet, he does what any young adventurer would do: He flies it into outer space! Millions of miles from Earth, the plane begins to sputter and quake, its fuel tank on empty. The boy executes a daring landing on the moon . . . but there’s no telling what kind of slimy, slithering, tentacled, fangtoothed monsters lurk in the darkness! (Plus, it’s dark and lonely out there.) Coincidentally, engine trouble has stranded a young Martian on the other side of the moon, and he’s just as frightened and alone. Martian, Earthling—it’s all the same when you’re in need of a friend.

We followed this story with a very old and classic story by Aesop, a fable of a Lion and Mouse. We read a version from an anthology and followed it by looking at a wordless picture book that was just added to our collection by Jeremy Pickney. The beautiful illustrations really brought the fable alive. We had some fantastic conversations about how even the littlest person can make a big difference.

We have 2 more books on our reading list, but we will leave those for our next post. In the meantime, posted below is a resource for parents to help continue the discussion on cooperation at home.

Keep Reading !

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Honesty Really is the Best Policy!

Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the delayed posts. We have been really busy updating our space and purchasing new materials. We spent a lot of time talking about Honesty in March, and had some really good discussions about when it IS OKAY to tell a little lie.... like when we get a gift we REALLY don't like, or when we are trying to surprise someone. Otherwise, it really is not a good idea to tell a lie. We read 2 other books that highlighted what happens when you do not tell the truth, and how sometimes when 2 people are telling a story their VERSIONS do not end up being the same.

The first story we read was the Principal's New Clothes by Stephanie Calmenson. Here is an excerpt from goodreads:

Mr. Bundy, the principal of P.S. 88, is the sharpest dresser in school. In fact, he's the sharpest dresser in the whole town! But when two tricksters come to town and design a suit of magic cloth for Mr. Bundy, everyone is in for a big surprise!

This story is a modified version of the Emperor's New Clothes. The story shows that sometimes honesty really is the best policy!

The next book we read is a personal favourite. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka:

For those who think they know the story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big, Bad Wolf, here it is as they've never heard it before. In this highly acclaimed collaboration between Scieszka and Smith, Alexander T. Wolf tells his side of the incident. Was it premeditated swineacide or simply an accident? Readers can decide for themselves in this laugh-aloud tale that's sure to tickle the funny bone.

Our new focus for April is Cooperation. Look for a post this week to see what we have been reading. Keep Reading!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

To Tell you the Truth...

Tomorrow is the first day of our break, and it could not have come any sooner. Students have been working hard and they deserve a break. We have also been hard at work here in the Library with many things happening.

Our database was down all of last week, and to keep books in the hands of the students, we were loaning them manually.
Our Biblio-techies created a new and fun announcement for our Just Read it campaign to keep it going as we took a break. They are also working hard to re-organize shelves so that our Library makes sense!

Our new book for the week was a new acquisition for this year. Our Character focus for this month is Honesty, so we read "The Rumor" by Monique Felix.

A review by

Word travels quickly through a peaceful village when a hungry beast is spotted in the hills. Some say he has ears that can hear a potential meal from a mile away! Others declare that his stink is enough to kill you with just one whiff! Still others report that his snout is stronger than a vacuum cleaner! The threat compels friends to warn one another and in humorous fashion turn hearsay into an increasingly inaccurate rumor. Uncertainty abounds, but by the time the villagers are safely gathered together out of harm s reach, one thing is for sure readers young and old will be charmed by The Rumor!

We focused on the different types of lies that can be told, and how not sharing truthful information can lead to confusion and a lot of unfair situations. We will continue reading some great stories after the break that highlight what happens when a lie is told. Attached to this blog is a letter to parents to help with discussions related to honesty.

Have a great break!
Keep reading!

Monday, 24 February 2014

Click Clack Fair!

Hello Everyone, and welcome back to Monday! We continue our focus on Fairness with....cows...that type! This great and funny story "Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type" By Doreen Dronin is a great tale about the feelings of fairness between 2 groups in a partnership.

An excerpt from

His cows like to type.

All day long he hears

Click, clack, MOO.

Click, clack, MOO.

Clickety, clack, MOO.

But Farmer Brown's problems REALLY begin when his cows start leaving him notes....

This book is a great example of working together and being fair. We looked at the perspectives of both the animals and the farmer and had great discussions about what is fair. We also discussed that fair does not always equal getting the same thing as someone else.

Click Clack Keep Reading!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

My Way!

Hello yet Again!

This is the last post for today and we are finally caught up! Last week we began a new focus! Fairness, just in time for Black History Month. We read a simple book in the Library about some mice. Chester's Way by Kevin Henkes.

Below is a Synopsis by

There was only one way for Chester to do things - his own way. Wilson did things the same way; they were best friends. From double-knotting their shoes to cutting their sandwiches diagonally, Chester and Wilson were two of a kind.

"They really are two peas in a pod," said Chester's mother.

"Looks like it," said Chester's father.

From morning to night - and in every way - they were inseparable. But then they met Lilly ... and extraordinary things happened to their friendship.

The story focuses on 2 mice, Chester and Wilson, and they are exactly the same. Then, a new mouse, Lily (of Purple Plastic Purse fame) comes into town, and she is different. Chester and Wilson treat her very unfairly and are not very welcoming nor do they embrace her differences. Well, the end result is quite nice and worth the read, but we did tie in this story to the experiences of Rosa Parks. The students made some great connections, but were reminded that even school yard mistreatment can be just as hurtful as unfairness on a bigger scale.

Keep Reading!

Mosaic Art

Hello again!

2 weeks ago we began discussions about a new and exciting mosaic art project that we will be working on as a school with a talented artist. Students have had an opportunity to look at Mosaics and Tanya MacFarlane's work. After being exposed to Mosaics, we began discussions on themes, and choosing ideas to represent our school. More info will come soon! What a great activity to follow up our focus on Teamwork!

Link to artist:

Link to Mosaics (a how-to):

Yo! Yes? It's all about communication!

Our Teamwork focus came to a close at the end of January, and we ended off the theme discussing the importance of communicating with a team in order to accomplish a goal. We read Yo! Yes? by Chris Raschka, and looked at Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Doreen Rappaport.

We focused on Martin Luther King Jr. as a prelude to Black History Month, and also because the timing coincided with Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We looked at how he was able to get such a large group of strangers to come together despite their differences to achieve a common goal. We concluded that he was an excellent communicator and listened to others, and was able to speak well.

In Yo! Yes? We meet two young men, who say very little to each other, but they use other means of communication to come together. They focus on each other's needs, and are able to come together.

After reading this story, we tried as a group (each class) to create a shape using our hands. In order to be successful we needed to make sure that in our team, we made everyone feel important and communicated our ideas. The end results varied from each class. Some classes were successful, others were not. Each class however did realize the importance of communication by the end of the activity!

It's been a while!

Sorry for the delay in posts! We have been really busy in the Library and most of our energy has been spent on our physical space! We have some new exciting things happening here! Thanks to the parent volunteers that have joined our team our students have spent time re- branding the Library helpers, and have been working hard to create new shelf labels, book reviews and more. I will segment the 3 weeks missed in posting to create an easier read.

Introducing the Biblio-Techies!

Our Grade 4, 5, & 6 Helpers have spent the last month trying to re-brand themselves so that they can show our community that they do more than just help! We worked through trying to create several names, and finally settled on Biblio-Techies. We thought that it was an appropriate name because we are a dual-language school, and because they not only help to re-shelf, but they help with maintaining the aesthetics of the Library as well as promote books and reading!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

How to Get Back at a Tuna Fish

Last week we continued our look at "Swimmy", and participated in an activity that shows what team work can accomplish. All of the classes that visited the Library painted a small fish using a stamp (Just like Leo Leoni did) and the end result is just pretty amazing. Our students got together and created something by working as a team. 

Whose afraid of the big bad wolf... I mean fish?

Well this week we kept it light and read a funny book. You may have heard of the "Scaredy Squirrel" series. We read "Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend" by Melanie Watt, and what this fun story teaches us is that sometimes you need a helping hand. Teamwork is not just about working and school, but its also about play.

Yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a holiday observed in the United States. We will be talking about him next week and looking at how he worked with a large group of people to make some changes.

In the meanitime, we will be working on another team activity that we will be showing you next week. If your children liked Swimmy or Scaredy, there are more titles by Leo Leonni and Melanie Watt in our Library. 

Keep Reading!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

What happens when a tuna fish eats all your friends?

Welcome back!

This month we will be focusing on texts that center around teamwork, our character education trait. This week we have been reading an award wining book called "Swimmy" by Leo Leonni. Below is an excerpt from

Deep in the sea there lives a happy school of little fish. Their watery world is full of wonders, but there is also danger, and the little fish are afraid to come out of hiding . . . until Swimmy comes along. Swimmy shows his friends how—with ingenuity and team work—they can overcome any danger.

If your children enjoyed this book, we have many other Leo Lionni titles in our collection. Below is another document to support discussions at home about working as a team.

Keep Reading!
Earl Beatty Library :)